Are You a Cheese Addict? Here’s Why Your Face Might Be Tingling!

A man with red lines projected on his face

The Cheese Lover’s Dilemma: Enjoy the Cheese or Avoid the Tingle? Cheese can make your face tingle due to histamine and tyramine, found especially in aged and fermented cheeses. These compounds can cause allergic reactions for some people. Fresh, soft cheeses have lower levels of these compounds. To manage tingling, consider antihistamines or pairing cheese … Read more

Why Does Cheese Make Me Sweat? (The Science!)

Woman fainting feeling bad wiping sweat off forehead

From Cheddar to Brie: Which Cheeses Make You Sweat the Most? Cheese can make you sweat due to tyramine, a compound that triggers adrenaline release, increasing body temperature and causing sweating. This is more common with aged cheeses like blue cheese, cheddar, and Parmesan, which have higher tyramine levels. While generally harmless, excessive sweating could … Read more