Mastering the Art of Feta Cheese Preservation

Cheese Crisis Averted: The Ultimate Guide to Feta Storage

Feta cheese requires refrigeration to prevent spoilage and maintain quality. If not refrigerated, it risks bacterial growth and spoilage, indicated by a sour smell, slimy texture, or mold. Feta can be left at room temperature for a maximum of 2 hours. For longer shelf life, store feta in brine or tightly wrapped in the fridge.

Does Feta Cheese Need to Be Kept in the Fridge?

Most cheeses need to be kept in the fridge, and feta is no exception.

This is still the case, no matter how it is packaged.

Sometimes, feta cheese is sold in a block and will be covered in shrink-wrapped plastic.

If not opened, the cheese will last for approximately one month.

Typically, feta is preserved in brine.

This salt solution is a preservative and allows the cheese to remain edible for up to six months.

Once the feta is opened, regardless of whether plastic-wrapped or in brine, it will need to be eaten in five days.

It is possible to extend the life of feta longer than this if you change the brine for a fresh solution.

If it is plastic-wrapped, you need to seal it tightly again after opening it so that air can’t get to it.

It will dry out pretty quickly otherwise and only be suitable for cooking.

If you leave the feta cheese at room temperature, it very quickly develops harmful bacteria.

As a maximum, it should be eaten within six hours or returned to the fridge.

Feta can be frozen, whether unopened or not, for up to six months, but it will affect the taste.

Maximizing the Shelf Life of Feta in Brine

A common question among cheese enthusiasts is, “How long is feta in brine good for?”

The answer lies in understanding the preservative nature of brine.

Feta cheese, when submerged in brine, enjoys an extended shelf life due to its salt content, which inhibits bacterial growth.

Typically, feta cheese stored in brine can remain fresh and flavorful for up to four weeks past its sell-by date, provided it’s kept refrigerated.

This is significantly longer than its unbrined counterparts.

However, it’s crucial to maintain the integrity of the brine.

The brine should completely cover the cheese, and the container must be airtight.

Any exposure to air can introduce contaminants and hasten spoilage.

Also, using a clean utensil every time you handle the cheese can prevent cross-contamination.

If the brine becomes cloudy or the cheese develops a sour smell or a slimy texture, it’s a clear indication that the cheese is no longer good to eat.

Remember, the longevity of feta in brine also depends on the initial quality of the cheese.

Buying high-quality feta and promptly refrigerating it ensures you enjoy its tangy, salty goodness for as long as possible.

By taking these steps, you’ll be able to savor your feta in brine with confidence, knowing it’s stored in the best possible way.

Holding a jar of feta cheese

How Can You Tell If Feta Cheese Has Gone Bad?

Although feta is aged during the cheesemaking process, it should be eaten soon after it has been opened.

There are certain characteristics to look out for that indicate it has gone off.

The most obvious will be the smell of the feta.

Some might argue it has a bad odor even when fresh!

However, if it smells particularly sour, this is a bad sign, and it should be disposed of. 

Next, consider its appearance and look for any obvious signs of mold.

Dark patches may also indicate harmful bacteria.  

If it has been preserved in brine, it will be wet, but it should not feel slimy.

It should still have some texture and not be too crumbly.

Overall, just trust your common sense, and if any doubt, throw it out!

How Do You Know If Feta Cheese Has Gone Bad?

My Final Thoughts

  • Feta cheese needs to be refrigerated to prevent spoilage. This is because if not refrigerated, it can grow harmful bacteria.
  • Signs that feta cheese has gone bad include a sour smell, slimy texture, and mold.
  • Feta cheese left at room temperature for more than 2 hours should be discarded to avoid consuming harmful bacteria.
  • Feta cheese is typically stored in a brine solution, which helps to preserve it. However, once the cheese is opened, it is important to store it in the refrigerator in a sealed container.
  • Brine can be reused as long as it is refrigerated. To reuse the brine, simply pour it back into the container that the cheese came in and store it in the refrigerator.

Feta cheese needs to be refrigerated, as it can deteriorate quite quickly.

The packaging makes a difference, and brined feta keeps for longer.

Always discard any feta cheese that has been out of the fridge for more than six months.

Obvious signs that the feta has gone bad include a sour smell, dark patches, or a slimy feel.

Trust your judgment!

Always consult your health professional if you feel unwell after eating feta cheese.

You may be wondering if this applies to other varieties, so I wrote an article on whether you need to refrigerate Cheddar cheese.

Share your plans or ask us more questions for personalized cheese care advice!

How might understanding the proper storage and signs of spoilage in cheeses like feta influence your choices and practices in food safety?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Feta cheese stored in a fridge


Q1: How long can feta cheese stay out of the refrigerator?
A1: Feta cheese should not be left out at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Beyond this, there’s a risk of bacterial growth.

Q2: What happens if feta cheese is not refrigerated?
A2: If feta cheese is not refrigerated, it can spoil quickly. Spoilage is indicated by a sour smell, slimy texture, or mold.

Q3: Can you eat feta cheese that has been left out overnight?
A3: Eating feta cheese that has been left out overnight is not recommended due to the risk of foodborne illness.

Q4: How should feta cheese be stored for optimal freshness?
A4: Store feta cheese in the refrigerator, submerged in brine or tightly wrapped, to maintain its freshness and flavor.

Q5: How can you tell if feta cheese has gone bad?
A5: Signs of bad feta cheese include a sour smell, an off taste, mold growth, or a dry and crumbly texture.

Q6: Can you freeze feta cheese?
A6: Yes, feta cheese can be frozen for up to 6 months, but it may change in texture and become crumblier.

Q7: Is it safe to eat the mold on feta cheese?
A7: No, if feta cheese has mold on it, it should be discarded as it could be harmful.

Q8: What’s the best way to defrost frozen feta cheese?
A8: Defrost frozen feta cheese in the refrigerator overnight for best results.

Q9: How long does opened feta cheese last in the fridge?
A9: Opened feta cheese typically lasts about one week in the refrigerator when stored properly.

Q10: Are there any special considerations for storing flavored feta cheese?
A10: Flavored feta cheese should be stored similarly to plain feta, but be mindful of additional ingredients that might affect shelf life.

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