Babybel Bites: Delving Into Pregnancy-Safe Cheese Options
Babybel cheese is safe to eat during pregnancy because it’s made from pasteurized milk. Pasteurization kills harmful bacteria, making Babybel a safe choice for expectant mothers. However, it’s always wise to consider individual health conditions and consult with a healthcare professional.
Are Babybel Cheeses Pasteurized?
You’re probably already aware that you should generally avoid soft or unpasteurized cheeses while pregnant.
The main reason for this is due to the risk of listeria contamination.
Pasteurization is simply the process of treating milk with heat.
The aim here is to destroy pathogens, such as salmonella, listeria, etc.
There is something known as the “60-day Rule” for cheese.
It states that if a cheese is less than 60 days old, then it must be made from pasteurized milk.
However, when aged for longer than 60 days, the cheese may be made with pasteurized or unpasteurized milk.
That being said, it is estimated that approximately 99% of all cheese produced in the US is now made from pasteurized milk.
And this even includes certain soft cheeses that are generally deemed unsafe for expectant mothers.
As an example, soft cheese like mozzarella, ricotta, and feta are now made from pasteurized milk.
Additionally, even soft cheese spreads, such as Laughing Cow, Camembert, Brie, etc., are also made from pasteurized milk nowadays.
So, you can rest assured that Babybel is made from pasteurized milk and is therefore deemed safe to eat while pregnant.
🧀 The Cheesy Journey of Babybel 🧀 | |
Year | Event |
1921 | Babybel cheese was introduced in France by Léon Bel. |
1952 | The iconic wax coating was introduced. |
1977 | Babybel entered the US market. |
2006 | Babybel Light was introduced, offering a healthier alternative. |
2016 | Babybel introduced organic varieties. |
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Is Soft Cheese Safe When Pregnant?
Okay, so you’re now aware that if a cheese is made from pasteurized milk, then this is considered “pregnancy-safe.”
The main reason for this is the pasteurization process treats milk with heat, thus killing any harmful bacteria.
So, Babybel is fine, as all their cheeses are made from pasteurized milk.
Now, just to confuse matters, I’ve mentioned that soft cheese should be avoided during pregnancy.
Most expectant mothers are told to completely avoid soft cheeses, even if they have been made from pasteurized milk.
Plus, as I’ve mentioned, the vast majority of cheeses are now made with pasteurized milk.
So, what’s the deal with soft cheese, then?
The main issue with soft cheeses is their high moisture content.
Hard cheeses tend to have less water, approximately 30-35%.
Whereas soft cheese has a far greater water content, and some can even contain as much as 80% water.
Unfortunately, the more water content a cheese has, the more hospitable it will be to bacteria, e.g., listeria.
The same can be said for cheese that includes mold as part of the eating process, e.g., Blue Stilton.
Mold is essentially bacteria and, therefore, should be avoided while pregnant.
15 Cheeses That Are Safe to Eat During Pregnancy
Does Heat Kill Listeria?
Now, just to confuse everything you now know, there is a way to eat just about any cheese while pregnant.
I’ve mentioned that pasteurization simply involves treating milk with heat to kill pathogens such as listeria.
Well, you can do the same thing with the cheese itself to make it pregnancy-safe.
Heating cheese and I mean heating it until it’s steaming, will kill listeria.
Therefore, you could say that eating cold cheese or cheese at room temperature can be unsafe for a pregnant woman, depending on the cheese they’re eating.
As an example, Camembert is a soft, creamy cheese with high water content, so should usually be avoided by expectant mothers.
However, the most popular way to eat Camembert is to bake it until it’s really hot.
This is more than enough to kill listeria.
The same can be said for cheese as a pizza topping.
So, a spinach and ricotta pizza will place the ricotta (a soft cheese) under extreme heat until it’s steaming.
Once more, the same principle applies to a grilled cheese sandwich.
Now, I will say that if you have any worries, then you should, of course, speak to your doctor.
However, you can rest assured that extreme heat will kill listeria and a wide variety of other pathogens.

Is Provolone Cheese Safe to Eat During Pregnancy?
Yes, provolone cheese is generally safe to eat during pregnancy when it is made from pasteurized milk.
Pasteurization kills harmful bacteria that could pose a risk to the developing fetus.
Provolone cheese is also a good source of calcium and protein, which are important nutrients for pregnant women.
So go ahead and enjoy a slice of provolone cheese without worry!

My Final Thoughts
- Babybel cheese is safe to eat during pregnancy.
- Babybel cheese is made from pasteurized milk, which has been heated to high temperatures to kill harmful bacteria that can cause food poisoning.
- The official advice in the United States is to only eat pasteurized dairy products while pregnant.
- Babybel cheese is considered hard or semi-hard, and it is safe to eat because it is pasteurized.
- Babybel cheese is packed with nutrients like calcium and protein, which are essential for a healthy pregnancy.
So, as you can see, Babybel is OK to eat while pregnant.
The main reason for this is that all Babybel cheeses are made from pasteurized milk.
Expectant mothers are typically told to avoid soft cheeses or cheeses made from raw/unpasteurized milk.
This is because these types of cheeses are more likely to be a breeding ground for listeria and other pathogens.
That being said, extreme heating will kill listeria.
Therefore, it is possible to eat just about any cheese as long as you heat it until it is steaming.
Do you have any other questions about cheese or nutrition?
I’m here to help!
I have also addressed the issue of whether you can eat Dairylea triangles if you are pregnant.
How does the safety of eating certain cheeses like Babybel during pregnancy change your perspective on dietary choices?
Let us know in the comments below!

- Is Babybel cheese safe to consume during pregnancy?
- Yes, Babybel cheese is generally safe for pregnant women to consume as it is made from pasteurized milk which eliminates harmful bacteria.
- What nutritional benefits does Babybel cheese offer to pregnant women?
- Babybel cheese is a good source of calcium and protein, essential nutrients for both the mother and the developing fetus during pregnancy.
- Are there any considerations before eating Babybel cheese while pregnant?
- It’s important to consider individual health conditions such as high blood pressure due to its sodium content, or lactose intolerance which could make Babybel less suitable.
- What do experts say about consuming Babybel cheese during pregnancy?
- Experts suggest that consuming pasteurized cheese like Babybel can be a part of a balanced diet, but it’s always wise to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.